The British Library has made over 2 million pages of Victorian newspapers available online.
British Library Newspapers
Unfortunately you have to pay to access the information.
From the site:
The research tools section has some interesting information on newspaper history in Britain.
To access the millions of articles in this database, you will need to first register as a user and then purchase either:
- A 24-hour pass for £6.99 that provides you access to 100 articles over that period.
- A 7-day pass for £9.99 that provides you access to 200 articles over that period.
For a 24-hour pass, you are entitled to view up to 100 articles or pages within that time period. You may view or print a single article multiple times and it will count as a single view towards the limit. An article is not counted toward your limit until you click on it within your results and actually view either the article or the page. You may view both your time and number of articles remaining in your subscription from within a pop-up accessible through the link that appears in the top right of the screen once you've subscribed.
For a 7-day pass, you are entitled to 200 article/page views with the same guidelines as above.
The words of Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton21, the novelist and parliamentarian, sum up what newspapers had become by the 1840s:Nice to see them making all this information available unfortunately at a cost for the researcher.
'[The] newspaper is the chronicle of civilization, the common reservoir into which every stream pours its living waters, and at which every man may come and drink: it is the newspaper which gives liberty its practical life, its constant observation, its perpetual vigilance, its unrelaxing activity. It is a daily and a sleepless watchman, that reports to you every danger which menaces the institutions of your country, and its interest at home and abroad. It informs legislation of public opinion, and it informs the people of the acts of leglislation; thus keeping that constant sympathy, that good understanding between people and leglislators, which conduces to the maintenance of order and prevents the stern necessity for revolution.' 22
Keep your sightglass full, your firebox trimmed and your water iced.
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