The Parasol Duel Rules!
Update September 26 2014
The first World Championships in modern times was held at Beakerhead in Calgary on September 13, 2014.
Read the report of the First World Championships here!
The label Parasol Duelling will get you all my posts on this new and exciting sport!
For a Faux Academic piece on Parasol Duelling check out this recent post.
Here is another Historical piece this time Parasol Duelling in Prussia!
This piece is a wonderful description of a fatal duel fought under the Infamous Hungarian Imperial Rules.
Previously I wrote about coming up with some Steampunk Sports.
I have completed my Parasol Duelling Rules and have posted them below.
Take a look and let me know what you think.
We have experimented a bit with the "figures" used and they do seem to be workable, the timing is tight enough to make it a challenge. At least it is a challenge for me, all you Ladies out there who are experts at handling a parasol probably won't have too much trouble.
I have worded it in the semi archaic style of the Tea Duelling rules.
If you try them out please let me know how it goes.
Comments, suggestions and critiques are welcome!
Keep your sightglass full, your firebox trimmed and your water iced.
aka Kevin Jepson
Minimal Ankling, that is showing ones ankles as a distraction technique.
Minimal contact!
Note that generally no Doctor, also known as an umpire, was present.
The Brandenburg Variation on these rules
(The only style permitted by Queens Regulations in Her Majesty's Dominions)
Similar to the above except that:
2. No ankling is permitted (except as noted during competition).
2) The Twirl- Parasol is opened and placed across, but not touching, the shoulder and twirled.
3) The Snub- Parasol is held pointing towards the opponent and opened. The parasol must be closed before being opened again or the result is a "hanging snub" and cannot be counted as a completed figure.
Twirl = Paper
Snub = Scissors
Twirl > Plant
Snub > Twirl
The Formal duel requires the use of the Doctor.
Opponents face each other, separated by two parasol lengths, and on count of three begin while counting to five and calling “Hold” in unison.
No Doctor necessary, opponents count in unison themselves as per informal duel.
The parasols are drawn from the holsters and they must be brought up vertically in front of the face. The first opponent to get their parasol up starts counting and the other opponent must follow that count.
The duel then proceeds as normal.
Because of the short length of a Street Duelling Parasol the "Plant" is simply held down alongside the leg and the "Twirl" is done with the open parasol held out to one side The "Snub" is the same as a normal duel figure..
Each contestant must do all three figures in the time of the standard five count and must be complete at the hold.
Judging is based on the elegance and grace of the figures rather than simply their speed.
Each contestant takes one of the figures at a time and embellishes it during the standard 5 count.
The embellishments should enhance the "flirtation".
Note: Ankling is permitted within reason!
During the higher level competitions there may be a Flirtation section for all three figures, the contestants are judged on each one. The final ranking being based on the total score for each contestant, the figures are weighted equally.
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A Street Duelling Parasol and Holster |
Update April 30 2014
I think it is safe to say that these rules are no longer "Draft" they are in use in many groups now, and have been copied and posted to groups and boards in the rest of Canada as well as the UK, USA, and Australia.
The Steam Punk Worlds Fair will be doing some Parasol Duelling this year!
I am working to arrange a formal competition here in Calgary during the Summer some time as well.
Thanks everyone for helping to spread the enjoyment of Parasol Duelling!
Update Feb 13 2014
Slight adjustment to make the Street Duelling procedure a bit clearer.
Thanks everybody for your feedback!
Update Feb 12 2014
After a very successful public demo at an event in Calgary last weekend there is now a Facebook Group for Parasol Duelling: Madame Saffron Hemlock's Parasol Duelling League for Steampunk Ladies
You can see some fantastic photos from the event including some of the duelling demonstration here:
Updated Jan 21 2014
Slight change to the Street Duel. Thanks Sarah!
at: January 21, 2014 at 5:22 AM said...
Very exciting! Great work! I just did a post on my blog about the Chap Olympiad, and will probably put up our recent tea duel photos soon. I am thinking of doing a series, so I might link this in a later post if that is fine with you.
at: January 21, 2014 at 6:57 AM said...
That would be great Laura!
Glad you liked it.
Let me know if you have any suggestions after trying them out.
at: February 12, 2014 at 4:49 PM said...
Would love to see a video as illustration.
at: February 13, 2014 at 3:49 PM said...
An excellent suggestion!
Will be working on one shortly.
at: June 11, 2015 at 2:13 PM said...
Here is a video of a recent demonstration.
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