Watch for this one! "The Wars of Other Men"

Thursday, December 13, 2012

A very interesting movie coming soon hopefully.
Set in a Steampunk/Dieselpunk 1920s this trailer gives a good feel for the film:

Trailer for the ultimate indie guerilla short film, "The Wars of Other Men". Written by Mike Zawacki & Nancy Nall Derringer and directed by Mike Zawacki.

From YouTube

Published on Dec 11, 2012

Set in a 1920s-like world at war, "The Wars of Other Men" tells the story of a nameless Lieutenant fighting for an army on the verge of defeat. The enemy has begun to dominate the battlefield with their new chemical super weapon, known only as "the Fog." When his superiors learn the location of the facility that manufactures the Fog, the Lieutenant is ordered to lead a squad through the war torn city to capture the scientist responsible for its creation... at a terrible cost to soldier and civilian alike. With the lives of his men and the fate of the war hanging in the balance the Lieutenant must make a choice -- will he be a good soldier or will he be a good man?

Filmed in Detroit with next to no budget and a gifted, passionate, dedicated volunteer crew "The Wars of Other Men" takes indie guerilla film making to the bleeding edge of what's possible - an immersive alternate earth period war film set in a city torn apart by war. With lush diselpunk and steampunk inspired production design, jaw dropping locations, high grade visual effect elements, and (most importantly!) a solid story built around compelling characters, "The Wars of Other Men" exists far outside the normal limits of indie film making. The film runs at approximately 26 minutes.
Our endless thanks to all of the people who worked to make this film a reality!

Music: "Nevermore" copyright 2008 Kevin Wilt (

Keep you sightglass full, your firebox trimmed and your water iced.


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