Anarchic Experimental Science in Victorian Weardale THE ERNEST GLITCH CHRONICLES

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Anarchic Experimental Science in Victorian Weardale THE ERNEST GLITCH CHRONICLES

During the mid-eighteen hundreds, the Weardale savant Ernest Glitch performed scientific and technological investigations, little known to the present student of the history of science.

An eccentric and volatile person, his pursuit of knowledge was accompanied by the sort of hedonism only the very rich can enjoy. The results of experiments he and his assistant Hodges undertook were never published. As he kept no log-book, the main record of the discoveries they made are the letters he wrote to Michael Faraday.

In this book, those letters are presented, together with contemporary reports, a journal Glitch made of his expedition to Africa, and several narratives of his life. Also, reference is made to both his ancestors and, in detail, his descendants.

Free samples from the book are available for your delectation.
Read these on-line, by selecting the available chapters from the contents below.

Some of the topics in the book are extremely dangerous.
Please read warnings & disclaimer at the bottom of this page.

Contains very strong language. The letters and accounts of the work of Ernest Glitch are of an appalling nature, containing references to animal and human experimentation, extreme violence, Victorian drug abuse, and complete disregard for the dignity of native peoples.
381 pages. 132 thousand words.
Very cool.
The example chapters are very entertaining.

Keep your sightglass full, your firebox trimmed and your water iced.


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