Fill 'er up!
This photo shows the partially inflated gas bags of the British R33.
From FB user Rick Zitarosa: "Gas lines at
Lakehurst could provide 100,000 cubic feet per hour at 1-inch of
pressure. Weather was a factor on working conditions and while the
wartime-size ships could be inflated in a day or two Harold Dick advises
that the inflation of the LZ129
commenced in mid January and took over 2 weeks. A critical juncture in
the birth/life of a ship because in addition to having the riggers
moving about attending to snags/folds/possible tears it was also
necessary to ensure even inflation of adjacent cells and the proper
addition and movement of sandbags, ballast, etc as the ship became
Of course our ship, the HMAS Velvet Brush is inflated with steam, so while it wouldn't be quite so dangerous it would have been very hot!
The picture was posted on the awesome FB group Airships, Dirigibles and Zeppelins
There is an amazing collection of photos and expertise in that group.
Highly recommended is you are looking for an almost daily hit of Airship Wonderfulness.
Thanks for reading.
Keep your sightglass full, your firebox trimmed, and your water iced.
About Gears, Goggles, and Steam oh My!
Here I collect interesting bits of information related to the world of Steampunk.