World Championships 2015 Teaser Ad

Tuesday, June 16, 2015 0 comments

A teaser!

Here is a little video Teaser Ad I put together from some of the photos taken at the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo where we had 3 demos and the Spring Regional Competition this year.

It is my first attempt at such a thing so a bit rough around the edges.

The photos are by Phi Vernon and Lindsay Dunlop of Third Eye Arts.
As always they make us look good so check out their work.

The music is from the Album "Nemesis" by Two Steps From Hell a track called 'Hunter's Moon".
Their website has the subtitle "Music makes you braver" and these wonderful tracks do just that!
If you like epic music check them out!


Keep you sightglass full, your firebox trimmed and your water iced!

Parasol Duelling Demo at CCEE!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015 0 comments

Lay on!

Here is a video, taken by Alex Norrington, of the Parasol Duelling demonstration we did at the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo this year in Calgary.

The Demo covers all the basics of Parasol Duelling.



Keep your sightglass full, your firebox trimmed, and your water iced.

To find out more about this great sport go to:
Madame Saffron Hemlock’s Parasol Duelling League for Steampunk Ladies

Click here for information on the history and development of Parasol Duelling 
or click the Parasol Duelling tag.

The Rules for Parasol Duelling are here.

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